

I don't want to miss you anymore.
There is not a day that I don't miss hearing your voice and the way you could make me laugh. I can't help but wonder if you are somewhere watching over me and our little family. Asking yourself if I we still miss you like before.

Since the day that you left me here and went away so much has happened and some of us have lost our way while other no longer care to fight back and only want to be lost more, in hopes to finally be by her daddy's side. That's not to say she hasn't tried and stopped because of her mother's cries.

Every day I feel you both slipping farther and farther away. I cannot help but cry and scream at the world and ask the universe why... why she chose all the ones I love? I already know the answer to this question, that I ask from deep within my tatered, torn, and broken hearted soul.

I stop and look back again and it is of our baby girls, standing next to you telling me that they couldn't bare missing you anymore, again. Now, I am left to miss yet two more and one has left her precious angle behind who whisper under her breath I don't want to miss my momma anymore.

As the tears fall down our cheeks and the heartache grows even more deep, that little angel looks up at me and says in her tiny little voice... "Oma, do you think that they all are missing me." With tears stained cheeks, Oma responds with confidence in shaking in her voice, "oh yes, little angel, I know they do."
As I look down, she wipes the tears from my eyes and kisses my cheek and says , "I love you Oma, don't worry soon we won't have to miss any of the ones that we have lost, so soon. One day we will never have to miss anyone anymore, because they will all come home."
I hold he tight and we both cry a few more tears and whisper to each other, "good night". As I lay next to her tonight, those words roll once again through my mind. "I don't want to miss you anymore, please just come back home."
© Rhonda Broker