

The mystic night
As the far flung horizon..
was dotted in dark..
with the setting sun .
Leaving a spark.
of it's fading rays..
in red..
redefining the sky..
Mystic Darkness..
came to be..
with earnest ease..
surveying the world around..
it whispered , whistled of its own..
Hush.. leaving no sound.
For mortal eyes and human ears..
were absorbed by a canopy of black..
once for long..untill the sky
glimmered with the twinkling stars..
that made us flee..
from a world of fatigue..
after a day long toil.
transmigrating into a world..
of easeful joy..
for the night sky..
removed it's vail.
and twinkled in glee..
Night...a phase of resplendent beauty.

© Enigmatic writer shamik Bhattacharjee