Give Up The Woes of The Heart
Don't rush to conceive
The gifts The Creator has given thee
You never know how the alternative option
Will make you feel once you are given it
Sarai was unable to conceive
So, she gave her handmaid to her husband
Trying to rush The Kings gift of children
The handmaid was given a gift
That the mistress hadn't obtained
So, she despised Hagar unto that day
As the gift was given Sarai felt uneased
In her spirit suddenly
Instead of receiving the blessing
Or waiting on her turn
She took...
The gifts The Creator has given thee
You never know how the alternative option
Will make you feel once you are given it
Sarai was unable to conceive
So, she gave her handmaid to her husband
Trying to rush The Kings gift of children
The handmaid was given a gift
That the mistress hadn't obtained
So, she despised Hagar unto that day
As the gift was given Sarai felt uneased
In her spirit suddenly
Instead of receiving the blessing
Or waiting on her turn
She took...