

Prayer for The Real Heroes
Ohh lord what to say
The care the selfless service you are serving for us
It's just sprechless
I have feelings but not words to say thank you
I have Lots of Words to say thank you

Thank You isn't enough
Ohh Doctors
Ohh nurses
What to say
How to explain what you are doing is just
Hatts Off..

Sometimes we wanted to say Manythings but forget how to start
How to begin
Every Day every seconds you save someone's Life
Every minute bring a peice of Smile by showing Yours
Real Concern
Without expecting Anything in Return

Yesterday was the Day we all come together in Our Balcony, Terrace And Try to show You all Respect and Thank You by
Ringing Bells, Clapping for 5 min.

Dear Doctors
Dear Nurses
Dear Hospital Staff,
We cant do anything for you all.
But Most Pious Way of Showing Our Gratitude Is
Praying for You All and Your Families

Ohh Doctors
Ohh Nurses
You All Are The Second God On this Planet,

What to say
What to Expect
all we Can pray For your