

A Shipwreck, A Pathway
A shipwreck
A sting of pain
Reminds of life in the veins
Wake up
Wake up
It’s lonely in the dark
A lantern lights the way
To find the path
But it won’t last
If not properly maintained
Fools forget
The wise prepare
Pitch black
Lost in the night
Afraid of stepping into daylight
The foolish lose their way
A shipwreck
A storm
In the path of the walk
Don’t let it determine the course
Lost to the dark
Left alone in night
Keep walking
Stopping is a way to die
Rest is needed, but don’t close your eyes for long
The night swallows everything
Without a light to guide
The way is lost
This loss is a great cost to life
It may cost your life to walk
Down this path
The foolish don’t prepare
The wise bring extra oil
Distractions cast aside
Medications for pain
Given up in pursuit of Christ
This shipwreck will leave you a choice
Breathe or drown
Swim to the surface or down
The water won’t welcome you warmly
Prepare to walk the path in the night
© MattDyver