

Symphony Enchanting: Whispering Nature

In a world bursting with bustling noise,
Where chaos reigns and silence is a choice,
Amidst this cacophony, nature whispers her song,
A symphony enchanting, where I belong.

Oh, the beauty of nature, sublime and serene,
A masterpiece painted in shades of green.
From the rolling hills to the towering trees,
She weaves a tapestry, kissed by gentle breeze.

I walk through meadows, where flowers dance,
Their vibrant colors entwining in a trance.
Their delicate petals, a palette so bright,
Painting joy upon my heart, with pure delight.

I embrace the warmth of golden sunlight,
As it caresses my face, filling me with light.
Nature's fingers of radiance gently brush by,
Leaving trails of warmth, as the day floats nigh.

The gentle murmur of a babbling brook,
Serenades my soul like a fairytale book.
Its melodic whispers, a soft lullaby,
Soothing my spirit, as time drifts by.

Then comes the rain, in a symphony of sound,
A whispering orchestra, dancing all around.
The rhythm of raindrops, a gentle refrain,
Tapping on rooftops, soothing every strain.

Each drop, a melody upon the earth's skin,
Creating a harmony that stirs deep within.
I stand in the downpour, drenched in pure bliss,
As raindrops kiss my cheeks, sealing nature's kiss.

The thunder then roars with powerful might,
A symphony of chaos, an electrifying sight.
It echoes through valleys, commanding the air,
Awakening my senses, igniting a flare.

In nature's chaos, I find inner peace,
For amidst the storm, all my worries cease.
I am reminded of life's ever-changing course,
And how nature's whimsy can be a guiding force.

Nature, my compass, my companion true,
Through her embrace, she helps me renew.
In her colors, her sounds, her sweet embrace,
I discover solace, a home in her grace.

So, let me immerse in nature's warm embrace,
And find solace in her ever-changing face.
For the beauty she offers, pure and untamed,
Whispers joy in my heart, forever unchained.

#WhisperingNature #writcopoem #WritcoContest #deep_widin #deepz_talk
© deep_widin