

the hearts theatre
the shadows of a heart torn in two,
A lost soul wanders, seeking what’s true.
Love’s delicate whisper, a distant refrain,
In the struggle of duality, echoes in pain.

False idols rise, gleaming in the night,
Promising solace, a deceptive light.
Hollywood’s shimmer, a dazzling snare,
Masking the truth with a glamorous glare.

Love, a fragile thread in a world so vast,
Caught between dreams and shadows cast.
the heart's chamber, a silent plea,
To find the balance, to simply be free.

Through the haze of fame, the soul persists,
Yearning for love’s pure, tender kiss.
A dance with shadows, a tale untold,
the heart's theater, where truths unfold.

Lost, yet searching, the soul's quest remains,
To bridge the chasm, to break the chains.
In the duality of love, a truth lies bare,
That even in struggle, love’s essence is there,
Beneath the three masks of the shadow.

The knife cuts deep between the starlight and the starlet. The eyes awake And the soul wanders between realms Hiding the three faces beneath the masks.The money, The fame, and The glory Shaped her nose...shaped her cheeks...and the jawline arose In the Sanhedrin was the star, and the light Blinded her sight in the darkness of night.That Deceptive light With a Glamorous glare.

In a dazzling stare, her soul was bare for all to see, but her face was beneath her mask. And the shadow was all she saw. Beneath the scars Was a fragile thread Echoing beneath the pain In the shadows of her heart, was torn in two...Her mask or her shadow? That was the price.....in...a.......world so vast that was her heart's theater.

© @David_vs_a_word