

The forest of darkness
1. I move into the forest, full of thorns, high rising canopies and the dense undergrowth
the texture of the grass and thorns, flora and fauna, tiny flowers and creepy crawlies crumbling ( CRUMBLING)
2. I walk on, and I see the moon is broken into pieces by the tall deodar trees,
the broken pieces of the moon
fall from the sky and get stuck in the dense canopy in the darkness of the night, silver strands of moonlight dimly lit across the forest, hanging loosely from the trees

3. My hollw eyes look forward, my chest clenched by something familiar,
fear building up in my empty eyes ,
eyes of crumbling faith and hope,
darkness filing in the void named eyes

4. The thing crawls towards my heart and hair,
pulling them out
and I paralyzed stood there, clutching my heart, tying to pull it back in.

5. My feet started running,
the adrenaline doing it's job,
but my mind is still null and paralyzed.

6. I trip into an underground cave,
hiding from the nocturnal monster,
and sit there hugging myself trembling to death.
sweats dripping down my spine
my entire existence shaking,
shaking like an earthquake.

7. My head on my knees,
I look up and see the moon lying next to me, lifeless; still as a rock
( without it's light, it's just a floating rock)
I remember seeing the other half of this moon lying all around the forest, and the other half is next to me.

I open my eyes and see that I'm sitting on the floor of my room. My heart is aching and racing. I see the forest with my blurred vision, made foggy with tears; the tears of anxiety.
© sirisha__chauhan
#anxiety #poem #fear