

Long is the days of departure
Leaving behind the partner
2 a.m in the morning
That is all I remember
We had an argument that night
And the next day was his flight
Couldn’t wrap my head around
An electric shock to my mind
So many questions unanswered
My love —
Those two words
I muttered sadly
All I could ever say to him..
As if the earth cracked and I fell in
My heart shattered into million pieces
Oh please, why now why today?
After all those years.
Leaving without giving a reason
Like a passing season
Or moving to a new region
Do you think I’ll forget
The heartbreak you gave me was like an earthquake
It might take me months & maybe years
To forget & move on--
The scars of the heart remains
I’ll say farewell my old love
I learned to deal with heart wounds.

#poem #poetry #writco #heartache #poetrylover

© Stardust Aurora