

a mystery of past
where i go i got bound by my mystery,
it usually arises from the traces of deep history,
that remained folded in my huge shelf of brain,
actually my mind never tried to take it out as it put some strain,
those questions teases my brain every next second,
so i put it off as if my brain went it on a weekend,
but after that ends it rejoins with same confusion,
from which i m running off and want to get into illusion,
where there is none to ask why i left the questions unanswered,
and finding those answers make my life too awkward,
actually i wanna know why it happens and why i let to happen it with me,
and to unlock those dead graves i couldnt find the key,
so i live with the puzzled past and confused present,
as its give my thoughts a satisfactory ascent,
actually noone should lend the time in solving it,
as they are endless so give a damn to that shit,