

Butterfly Universe
In the universe of butterflies,
Colors swirl and wings arise,
Each one unique, a work of art,
A world of beauty, a realm apart.

From the tiniest of wings to the grandest,
In this universe, all are the finest,
Fluttering and dancing in the air,
A sight so wondrous, beyond compare.

Some are bright and bold,
Others subtle, shy, and cold,
Yet each one has a story to tell,
A life to live, a path to dwell.

They flit and float, and gracefully soar,
In this universe, they explore and more,
A symphony of motion, a joy to see,
A spectacle of wonder and mystery.

In the universe of butterflies,
Nature's magic is in full disguise,
A canvas of colors, a masterpiece,
A true wonder, a beauty to realease.

© AlmaDada