

Ode to Fake Smiles
A curve so light, heavy in disguise,
Painted bright beneath darkened skies.
Oh, hollow grin, you dance upon my face,
A fleeting mask in life’s unspoken race.

You glimmer false beneath the morning sun,
Where laughter fades before the day begun.
Each tilt, rehearsed, yet void of joy’s true fire,
A practiced echo of what the heart desire.

In crowded rooms, you hide what’s left unsaid,
A fragile veil where silent tears are shed.
Behind your gleam, the truth lies buried deep,
In shadows where the weary soul must sleep.

Still, you serve, a shield both firm and frail,
Guard the heart when words and courage fail.
'Tis an ode to the smile that never reach eyes,
Stand between the truth and well-worn lies.

So, here’s to you, sweet mask I wear each day,
A fleeting jest in life’s relentless play.
May one day, joy return to make you whole,
And truth restore the laughter of my soul.

© TheRetro_Reader