

Gold of Man
The Gold of man
Stained with blood I tell you
For there's no greater cause than a man lay down his life for the cause

His cause
The reason for his years of tolling
For man saith unto his friends and family
Take heart, for I no not whence I come again

This journey called life
It's filled with sorrow and regret but only in truth can we find our own cause

The curse of our forefathers left this world with them
For their shining wealth has come and gone,
lest ye see no sense in their words and thoughts
Is likened unto a man that failed to receive wisdom from God himself.

Fear not for Joseph knoweth not the plans of God nor his, that he gave his faith unto the father but pray ye steadfastly and receive greatness.

That's the only truth I saith unto thee.

Hear my words,
Your gold is and has always been the treasure laid down in your life, for they are precious even unto the ends of the earth.

Take heed, and pay no attention to tomorrow's needs for tomorrow shall take care of thyself.
Worry not for your gold has come, it has always been there.

Very well bid you farewell, heathens of the earth.
© Ghost wrighter