

Robbed of peace
There once stood a wise old tree,
Spreading wide, giant umbrella-like leaves,
Shading my scorching heart, sizzling away.
Its warmly embracing, broad and cozy bark
Calmed my nerves as I leaned on my back.
Lovingly supporting, a sturdy branch
Held me high, granting a vibrant view
Spread across this lovely valley,
Often a consolation for my desolation,
As I flipped through my tragic bio.

Peeking from those branches,
I saw a pristine river's gentle flow,
Bluer than the sky with a diamond's sheen,
Shining, displaying its rocky bed bare,
Playing a sweet and mild melody,
Often accompanying an avian opera
And the playful wind's orchestra,
Caressing every other as it passed,
Encouraging the dancing leaves
And even wiping away my bitter tears.

Never did I know, even in my wildest dreams,
There would come a day that surprised me out of my wits,
Robbed of this gentle peace, with no prior notice.
Now I've no tree, no river in my sight
That once stood just outside my window.
Instead, I see plain land and muddy waters
That disturbs my eyes and my chaotic mind.
Oh, dear vandalizer, please answer me:
Why trash that beautiful and serene view?
Why take away the things that never harmed you?

© Pandora