

Standing at the edge of reality and disbelief,
A broken soul shivers deep,
Was torn and shattered on the reef,
trying to understand,
understand what actually??

she was trying to understand life
but it seems like it's upside down,
maybe inside out,
clouded by a lot of happenings,
a lot of mysteries,
yeah, she don't seem to comprehend.

she could probably fall from the edge,
into depression and brokenness,
fear,self doubt, pain, misery,
ouch ! distress
yet life keeps happening
everything keeps getting blur

she's tired of been strong
she's tired of holding on
tired of giving up her heart
just to be treated wrong
tired of consoling herself all the time
tired of staring with out clue

isn't she due for better day ?
is she supposed to be fearless?
isn't she supposed to keep her head high?
yh she trys but everytime she loose
shouldn't she be getting better?

But something inside whispers
"never give up
all of this setbacks are major setup
if she keeps on fighting
one day things will go her way
© marvel leo