

Sometimes the best way to solve problems in a relationship is by ending it. Yes it's not easy to walk away from something so warm, so familiar and safe but remember, no matter how sweet sugarcane is we spit it out. That is why for you to receive healing, sanity and peace of mind walk away from things that hurt you, walk away from people that don't value you, cut off the people that don't think you're important enough, but most of all walk away from broken relationships. Stop compromising yourself to make other people happy. Never choose length over health in a relationship and never EVER make someone your priority when you know you're their option. Live life freely, have the courage to walk away from people and you'll discover something better. If someone thinks you're too much or too little, always remember they'res someone out there just for you. And for that person you'll never be too little or too much, you'll always be ENOUGH.