

A school life : Happiness
In halls that buzz with laughter, cheer,
We journey through each fleeting year,
A tapestry of dreams and fears,
In school, where memories endear.

The bell's bright chime at dawn’s embrace,
Invites us to this sacred space,
Where knowledge blooms in every face,
And friendships form, a warm embrace.

In classrooms, where our minds take flight,
Ideas dance, in morning light,
With teachers guiding, day and night,
To realms of wisdom, pure and bright.

The lunchtime chatter, stories shared,
Of hopes and jokes, and hearts bared,
A bond that time has never snared,
In simple moments, deeply cared.

On sports fields, where we chase the sun,
In games of glory, battles won,
We learn of teamwork, hearts as one,
And savor victories, hard-fought, fun.

Through tests and trials, tears and grind,
Resilience and strength we find,
In every stumble, courage mined,
With every failure, more refined.

As seasons change, we grow, we part,
With heavy bags and heavier hearts,
But school’s sweet echo, ne'er departs,
A cherished chapter, where life starts.

© Pradip Hogade