

He's Risen!!!

He walked out of the grave
What extraordinary feet!
No other could claim same
Yet, my savior did indeed

All hail the monarch of the universe!
Extol Jehovah of Judah!
Bless the magnificent King!
Praise the great King Immortal!

After three days in the tomb
Mourned and scorned by many
Suffering the strife of malice
Torn from all he that should have mattered

He took it all...
Scoffed at and spit on...
Beaten and stripped, yet...
Betrayed by those he called brethren...

But glory to His wonderful name!
He rose up in victorious fame
This day, more than two thousand years past
No scare could have stopped this triumph

We are rest assured by the death
His grave was born for our sake
Now, we can bask in this tale
As we celebrate his glorious ascension...

Happy Easter Sunday to all
© Ruth Daniel