

You Alone
When you find yourself gripping about some difficulties;
Fear not, and never see it as being faulty.
Just girdle up the loins one after the other;
And make sure to get yourself all together.

Wait not until someone comes up to help you out.
Stand Still and get over those doubts
that's just trying to bring you down.
For to every night, there's a pleasant dawn.

You Alone can help yourself in this lonely battle;
Find some beautiful reasons for yourself to settle.
And never let those negative taughts
bring you down into an unpleasant fort.

Bring yourself to smile and be happy each day;
For by doing, you don't need to pay.
or beg someone for happiness;
When you can just be yourself peacefulness.

Forget the past cause it won't help your race;
it will only find a way to stop your pace.
and in the end, it won't be fine;
so keep running until you get to the end of the line.
just be yourself.

© Omorh.Akintunde