

Little Bit of Grace
Oh, our little bit of sweet grace
Our tiny, precious, valiant one,
In the midst of so much turmoil
He sent you, dear blessed one.

Unbeknownst to our weary hearts
Your surprising life and beginning,
Tore years of decaying sorrow apart
Revealing His mercy: never-ending.

Following years of hopeless pain
And fears that chilled our souls,
Upon the bright and fresh reliving
You, a treasure, did us so console.

Three months that kept me going
Knowing your presence relied on me,
Made every moment worth surviving
Through trials that never would leave.

Each morning my heart awakened
With the joy of soon seeing your face,
The hope and strength to stay strong
All sorrows and fears gladly erased.

But once the clouds began to gather
And the darkness showed its ugly face,
Our hearts began their painful trembling
The rains washing out any sign of grace.

And then the feared day soon came
When the last we could bear to see,
Was you, our sweet, little angel of life
Had your Maker gone Home to meet.
