

Be the doer

We started at our comfort-zone
we started at home.
We want to leave the pavement
it's time for movement.
For some they are part of the audience, although they want to be part of the preformance,
but they don't have the confidence,
For others they want to commit to church, but aren't serious
in following Jesus.
Some are invited to weddings,
but wonder when will they get a ring.
Others go into infant stores, they are praying for a baby
but doubt that they will one day be called 'mommy or daddy'
Some want to find jobs
others want to give up their jobs to find better ones.
For some this year was like standing in the fork of the road
signs everywhere, signs to and fro.
they are scared of pursuing thier goals
So may next year be a year of your best,
because when it comes to God's plan don't settle for less.
Don't just be a thinker
get up a become the doer.

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