

I See Her Strength
I remember Mother in a happy way,
Her laughter brightening the gloomiest day.
With gentle hands and a loving touch,
She made our house feel warm and lush.

She taught us kindness, love, and grace,
In every smile, in every embrace.
Then with quiet dignity, she faced each day,
Her love is a beacon that showed the way.

Although now she’s a mere shell of her former self,
Lacking all of life’s basic skills, with her health now on the shelf.
And a broken heart, the day that dad depart
Yet over the years, she carried on, holding onto all her tears.

Not one to settle for a life that's less, even when she laid her son to rest,
She proclaimed, "only God knows best."
Her strength, unwavering, through every test,
Oh, I remember Mother in a happy way.

Her spirit resilient, her faith so strong,
In the face of sorrow, she carried on.
Her journey through life with open eyes,
Seeing the world through a wise disguise.

So though time has etched its lines, leaving its trace,
Her heart remains a sacred place.
A testament to love's enduring sway,
Oh, I remember Mother in a happy way.

Cause still in her eyes, there's a depth of grace,
A timeless wisdom, with strength for whatever she face.
Her hands, though frail, still held us near,
In every smile, she quelled our fear.

And in her memories, I find my peace,
A legacy of love that will never cease.
Through trials and loss, she stood so brave,
Her life's a story of love engraved.

And so, as I reflect on days gone by,
I see her strength, and I understand why.
Though life's challenges have marked her stay,
Oh, I remember Mother in a happy way!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo