

Don't lust me like you love me
Acrylic hands and scattered thoughts
How many ways can I touch you with out ever actually touching you

In my kaleidoscopic mind we have had a 1000 different beginnings and more than that In endings

I think of you often, it seems
Philosophical in between
You're here with me, yet not at all

Fear the water, the depths
We've had some miss steps &
You still love me , lust me anyway

We have had 1,985,346 Conversations.
We did and unfortunately, I fell in love with you
Or was it your words, I'll never know

Now tell me again, how you wanted to touch me
No you never loved me
But you tried harder than I did

Your silly confidence and having me
Made me disappear, where's my self control
Run woman, As far and as fast as you can

Shaky fingertips & never ending thoughts of you
A girl with concrete self control, apparently
Blind infatuation inherently , I stood firm

How in love I am with you, years past
We've had a thousand coincidental "how are yous"
My feet may never find the ground,
Hands that name never touch me

I can only love the thoughts of you, i'm sorry

P.s Dont lust me like you love me