

10 cooks one recipe
Family is a dificult recipe, and occasionally  difficult to make.

You cant duplicate  a family just like there is no two plates that taste the same, you need to create it.
Some of them are sour, another ones are sweet, others are just cold or bitter.

Family is a dish with unique flavor, you need lots of spices, and sometimes  those spices are difficult to find, a family have secrets, and fights but family help us be better and keep fighting for survival.

It brakes our hearts and also fixes it, there is no perfect family, just like there is still no perfect dish, it takes time to make it, but you can get as close to haven if you try.

Family is unity, love, sharing, and every chef likes to make their recipes on a unique way, their way.

Lot of times you cant cook all the way through and the dish ends up raw, and nasty, so always be on top and don't loose sight of the oven.

With enough effort you can make a good hot recipe and you will be able too enjoy and feel the flavor of that family, all you need is to put effort in to it, be the chef that your family needs you to be.

© Julian Claudio-Morales