

Break with routine ...
A new day
with a holiday
on my cards,
religious chores
on priority list,
but daily tasks
have taken a leave,

to take care of the nerves
the way out is silently
connect with creativity
soul finds tranquility,
dwelling self in artist mode
is my being in meditative state,

To exercise my cells
I spread out the mat, with
stretches and poses combined
My muscles do really talk to me,
I try to break the tension in them
hence toxicity near my soul gets rid,

A day on vacation
must be light on heart,
mind and even the
other organs in solace
must be free of chains
given sufficient rest,

cook less,eat less, drink more
vegetable soups and juices
to detoxify liver and gut timely,
sleep better , think less
play the music that brings calm
and drives away
alarm clock from mind.

Lastly familytime is
right place to recharge
love, kindness,happiness
within the heart,
if not near to family
then befriend books
that takes you to nooks
and corner of the world
and also preaches the
strengths of spirituality.