

We have succeeded the scourge of obsequious bondage
We have scaled through the lions den
We have redeemed our mother's land
Now we can fly like birds
And warble our songs of victory
Like I'm in heaven, we are free

Are we truly free?
From the reptiles, so to say
How about the parasites?
Who claims to be better than the reptiles
Yet, stings as wasp
War mongers, plotting to win
Using the wind as beasts of burden
Without or too little compassion
They dine and wine
Leaving the fate of the wind to an empty dinner table
Visible yet not tangible
Being belligerent with warp judgement
And making pious wind look stupid

What has she achieved?
After many decades overseas and coast to coast
How has she stopped purchasing what she has?
Even with the arrival of many promises
From different reptiles
Just to harvest from our fields
And make our homes empty
Leaving behind unfulfilled expectations
Setting a thousand hearts ablaze
Ten thousand on fire
And a hundred of thousands to hell
With low ebbs from downcast parrots
And decreasing total emancipation
From obstructing mountains

What has she achieved?
Despite being blessed with resources
Creatures of great beauty
With brains of valuable creativity
Our independence is still dependent
Our freedom still crushed by the reptiles
But we cannot wallow in shame
For as a gaint we shall never get washed up

Neither shall our boots be washed
And even the down cast parrot shall
Soar like eagles again
For our price of liberty is eternal vigilance
The storm shall not get to us
Inspire of the sapping
From our fields by the reptiles
The howling of the wind shall see the light of day
A change shall come
A change is prayed for
A change is absolute
We shall beat our drums in swirling patterns
Our nation shall be exuated
Reproach shall depart from us
And our independence shall be redeemed.

© Iyetiri Blessing