

The best place to hide
Some think things are best hidden in the dark.That secrets are better off taken to the grave. Horns should be wrapped up and scars should be covered. Feelings should be bottled. Emotions masked.

But that's not what I tell you.

Things are better hidden in plain sight. That place where the light shines the brightest. Displaying all your feelings at once. Saying what you feel and acknowledging when you're wronged and disrespected. Showing your horns and wings. Never holding secrets.

Because that is power.

Trust me I have proved that people will never figure anything out. Even a criminal knows to help people search for him whilst he's beside them. And when they find out and accuse you of keeping secrets, you can ask them this "have I not provided you with all the clues but you failed to decipher, from my face you should disappear you con"

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