

The shadow

Have you ever watched the man you love, love another?
Breaking your heart in a way that it becomes hard to breathe?
Have you ever wanted to give up on life, because life for you was never fair?
That from the time you were born you were nothing but an outcast? but through sheer will alone, you had climbed your way to where you presently reside now. Yet, all you had, in the end, was loneliness, gnawing at you until you felt it in the marrow of your bones?
Nothing but a shadow, unknown protecting a male who no longer needed it. But still, you did because there will always be someone out there trying to take what you wish to protect.
The love of my life was with his woman.
Became mortal to just be with her, had a son and later a daughter. Growing old and dying, waiting to be reincarnated together. Would he be a god again? Would she become a deity again?
I wanted to know but am unable to.
Perhaps...ah, perhaps someone will tell me in the future, but it is only my wishful thinking.

© Lolipops2marsh