

I had to choose life
I had to choose life, I want to leave this life known, your love was too painful to live with.

At somepoint I was high on the mountain, when I fell in love with you.
Being with you, my world seem to be a better place.

The way you held me so tight felt so right. You were everything to me.
In the end I meant nothing, you ask me to choose life over you.

You ask me to share, but that didnt seem fair, so I took a brokenheart instead.
The pain sticks me in the heart,
My tears rain all night long
sleepless nights cause me to twist and turn as I miss you dearly.

But I had to choose life, misery is too dark a road to walk, it leads to a tombstone called unknown.

#inspire #brokensouls #Poetizer #WritcoPrompt