

Acrostic poem for A Friend
Sweeter than any sweets,beware ants and flies🤣.
Industrious,imaginative, interesting for sure.
Venust and vibrant heart entirely.
Adorable in every act.fan clubs all around😉 .
Cute, craving child sometimes with
Happy hands extended for a hug🤗 and at times,
Affectionate mother to cradle my heart in pain
Nobly loving with "no conditions apply"💛
Daring one or😎 dangerous one but always deary.
Reliable and always ready for us.
Angelic! Do I mean it?but affectionate and amiable
Naturally caring with soft little heart🥰

to be short,
a super sweet unmasked soul
who never fails to make me smile and feel loved.😁
Thank you,my dear friend
© manjupriya❣️