

To The Girl I'd Like To Meet Tomorrow
Monday, 3:15,
A cold breeze blew that night.
I saw her, didn't speak, but said goodbye.
Like a rooster, that forgot to sing its morning crow,
I woke up without feathers,
But with arrows from Cupid's bow.

To the girl I'd like to meet tomorrow,
Yet I lack the courage to say "hello."
Sadly, love comes but never goes.
To the girl I'd like to meet tomorrow,
From Tom who's heart feels hollow
But you, my heart wants only to follow

The day I lost myself in your eyes.
Is the day, I lost both heart and mind
I hate it, you, in control of cupid's bow
My mind wants to escape but my heart says, "so?"
I'm tired of it all, all the butterflies, and lies
All the late nights, and so called signs.

I go over it again and again,
I think about it hours after 10.
Conversations, which never happened
Or a dream, I wish I stayed trapped in.
Reality isn't quite my cup of tea, so I delude myself,
In delusions, where I feel free.

Roses are red, though not all the same.
Violets are never blue in this poetic game.
To the girl I'd like to meet tomorrow
Not under rain, hail, sleet, or sorrow,
But with a post-it you let me borrow,
A pink one that says, "Hello."
© Luciano