

One Kiss from you is all I need from to know for sure,
If this crush could become love and possibly so much more.
That moment of our eyes closing as we slowly move in,
Such passion forming making both of our worlds spin.
Giving you access to my heart while you let me enter yours,
I wanna do this right it's to soon to open all the doors.
That one Kiss, our first Kiss is all I ask and truly require,
Your lips pressed against mine can make us fly even higher.
The longer we wait the more my emotions run wild with anticipation,
My mind is at a loss of words while my heart is weak in this situation.
I sometimes wonder if my charms are having the same effect,
Maybe you're nervous cause you don't know what to expect.
I know how much you want to kiss me so why do you hesitate,
Is it because everytime we get close our hearts resonate.
I'm in it for the long haul so I'm not going anywhere,
No matter how many flights you have to your heart I'll climb up every stair.
Feel this heart of mine and understand who it beats for,
It's screaming out so loud I wonder can you hear it's roar.
Just your touch alone is enough to leave my body weeping,
Listen to the whispers of your heart is it my love you're seeking.
Embrace me, close your eyes, and be ready for our very First Kiss,
Let me prove to you in our world true passion really does exist...
© Gary Cliff