

Mariana's Trench
There! in the deepest part of the sea.
Slowly drowning, air she is losing.
Saving her last breath to survive.
But the more she tried ,the more she drowned!

Closes her eyes, stop breathing.
Her hands goes up but the body keeps falling.
Noone ever tried to pull her up
Instead, seen herself pale and weak.

Before the last air had gone,
She keeps telling herself,
"I'll go up and held ur hand tightly,
I will not let go this time to u almighty".

Realize, its all her doings , blame are all onto her.
She shoudn't go there , too menacing,
vicious and full of carnality.
Despite, she wonders with what she could see.

No hesitation, willingly drag her self down.
At first it was a paradise,
but deeper by deeper!
She was bit by an unknown creature.
Something torn her and she begins to lose her control.
She drowned, slowly dying.
Fooled by the mystery of the false paradise.

© Teacher JYB