" You don't like it
When your bestie teases you:
"Hey Monkey!"
Either you laugh
Or you get angry
You disrespect our species
You're looking for
"The Missing Link"
Between you and me
But you don't like it
When they connect me to you.
I hope you give up that HOPE,
Hoping to find
The missing link
Between you and me.
You're just chasing after the wind
Homo Sapiens who aren't homey
When you lack purpose in life
You claim we are family
When your bestie teases you:
"Hey Monkey!"
Either you laugh
Or you get angry
You disrespect our species
You're looking for
"The Missing Link"
Between you and me
But you don't like it
When they connect me to you.
I hope you give up that HOPE,
Hoping to find
The missing link
Between you and me.
You're just chasing after the wind
Homo Sapiens who aren't homey
When you lack purpose in life
You claim we are family