


I sat on a rock near the ocean watching a bird ride the waves without a thought of danger in mind he was there by himself or she looking for food what we call fish I sat there and I watched this bird with what I thought was not a care in the world that something could come from under and with one bite end it's life.
It was as if the bird had no fear no worry of an accident or a sudden death from my perspective it was there doing what it must do to survive no matter the danger that may lurks underneath for all I know the bird doesn't even know what danger is or is aware and see not the beings that live under the oceans and seas has something to fear. It made me ponder,it had thoughts doing laps around my mind , wondering about humanity and how the masses walk around in fear. In fear of falling, in fear of getting up, in fear of exposure of whatever,in fear of living, and in fear of death,leaving the Earth. And it's odd the statement leaving Earth because the body does not leave Earth its material it's physical and all things physical and material are Earth and belongs to Earth you are not Earth ,you are not bound to the physical and neither am I and neither is that bird floating about on top of the waves without a fear in the world.
Why live in fear,why live afraid, why live in paranoia of maybe and if when you can just live and be in awe of the experience given, some call it a gift some call it a blessing for whatever it is,
Do yourself a favor
And just
live it.
© Vaga Pesoj