

Starting out as a pile of stones,
I was built from the ground up.
My brand new beautiful colored stones,
bringing me smiles and jubilant laughter,
any tears dried up quickly.

I was built high,
reaching wishfully for the Stars.
Stones still being placed on me,
hopefully many more to go.

My bright stones start to fade,
chipping and falling away.
taking off old ones and replacing them with ugly stones they want to see on me.
I want to keep my old stones,
showing my life in the past.

How can I though,
when I'm always being taken apart,
being put back together wrongly,
my old stones floating further away everyday?

Heart of Construction- Remembering my life as a child, and constantly being molded by those around me with no freedom to be the real me.

-- Lauren R.
© #outriderlauren

Topic 5: How do you mostly feel nowdays?