

The game of legends
Our love was red like dawn
A beautiful art on a canvas drawn
Suddenly in your game I went from queen to pawn
Suddenly you want me to move on??

Your game board was black and white
Every move was beautiful and bright
I thought I was the queen and she was the knight
But I was a pawn, she was a queen in your sight

When ever you move the pawn, I thought I could become a queen
Just before the last square, you totally left me unseen
I thought you want me when ever you lean
But it was just to say something very mean

You were black king, I was a pawn of black
You fell in love with white queen, stabbing a knife in my back
We were of same kingdom, thought we were of same track
You were ready to sacrifice yourself for her, but let my heart crack

Love doesn't have rules, but game has
Chess is a battle field with black a white grass
You be mine, you be hers, I don't care
This is a game of legends, so play it fair

© IceFire

#chess #life #love #relationship #cheating #black #king #queen #chessgame #chessboard