

A unique bird Pigeon...
Wandering in the sky
Flying across high regions.
Messanger of nature
A well known bird pigeon.
In homing and navigation
It has helped humans a lot
Carrying letters with it's beak
All the information it has brought.
Special ability it has
Using sound, smell and sight
With sun's campass mechanism
They know their ways to flight.
An electric current is generated
By the molten metallics in Earth's core
And the rotation of earth on it's axis
Forming a magnetic field therefore.
With iron crystals in their beak
Magnetic fields they detect
Magnetoreceptors Helping
right routes to elect.
low frequency infra sound
They hear to find locality
And seem to use it as alarm
Such an incredible sense ability.
Flying seven hundred miles a day
How active they stay
A speed of ninty miles per hour
And reaching out their way.
From Egyptian era to middle ages
Untill the invention of telegraph
Travelling longer distances
With their mind calculation graph.
Admired by unique skills
Distinguishing the certain change.
They are indeed a special creature
Found in Earth's habitat range.

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