

Lost because of Love
Love has taken on a whole new meaning for me. I grew up to think that love is only to hurt never to be what others have told me.

I have watched destroy so many people, leaving them in tears and feeling as though they have wasted their lives looking for something that they feel they can only dream of.

I have seen love lift others up to new heights and it improved theirs lives. I have seen love as I looked into each one of my children's newborn eye's. I have felt love in my heart and deep inside my soul as I barely was aloud to watch them as they would grow into the adults they are today.

I myself have loved someone harder then I have ever given back to myself. I have given out love to people I barely know and to those I have known almost all of my lifetime.

Right now in my life I have to say I struggle with giving myself any love or any of the rest who still reside in my world. I think that I gave away so much love that I have none left to fill my own cup back up. I have wondered around for so long waiting for you to just love me for me and giving out all of my reserve love that was meant for me... I don't even know if I am capable of showing love to me or anyone again. Love has left me standing empty, lonely, and naked in front of this mirror that I stand in front of and my image just disappears. I have gotten lost because I was looking for someone, anyone to love me for me. Lost because of what love has always been to me. Sorrow and pain is LOVE'S only end game for me.
© Rhonda Broker