

Betrayal's lesson
Beneath a veil of trust, a friend once stood,
But shadows crept where light once should.
Words that cut like knives, a betrayal deep,
From promises made, now secrets keep.

In laughter shared and secrets told,
A bond presumed, yet now grown cold. Betrayal's sting, a bitter taste,
From friendship's warmth to icy waste.

Yet in this pain, a lesson learned,
From bridges burned and trust adjourned.
For scars may heal, though hearts may ache,
Strength found in trials, though trust may break.

In solitude's embrace, I find my peace, Amidst the wreckage, a soul's release.
For those who falter, deceive, and feign,
I rise above, untethered from pain.

In time, wounds heal, the heart grows strong,
Forgiveness blooms where hurt once thronged.
For I am more than wounds betrayed,
In resilience forged, in courage stayed.

So to those who stabbed with words unkind,
Who left scars upon the fabric of time,
I release the weight, I break the chain,
For my worth is not defined by pain.