

There I saw him approaching my way
Then He suddenly stood there like a statue
Folding his arms, as if he was waiting for me to make mistakes
I could feel his bright eyes were staring at me ......
But then the confusion in me arise as I saw the mist before the brightness
I’m sure He wanted to utter some words but he couldn’t because of the distance
I managed to hear his voice though.....
In the back of my mind he was whispering, "avert any contact with fear, like cloak it would hug you"
Well, I admit the truth in that
Then he said, "I’m always with you but in order to have a clear image of me you have to battle"
What you saw is just the half of me, he continued
Yet I thought I was so close to see him, turns out I was fooling myself
He said I should try harder and I will surely get what I desire
For a second I was confused but then I finally got it
You know, once I feel proud of myself.....
At least I had a dream....
In fact I still have a dream and it’s not over yet until I decide otherwise
He gave me some reddles to solve so I will try harder to solve them

@Z.NCiko #inspiration #dreams #reddles_to_solve