

It could sound strange to one and to other it could be a conventional way out.
For some it is all about positive thinking while for one it is self deception.
For some it is a widespread fraud and for one it is their daily dose of happiness.
For some it is the time used to escape the negative thoughts that hinder them from many good.
But for one it is their way to procastinate thereby impeding their inner worth.
For some it is right for some it is wrong as the two sides of a coin .
It is upto you how you take and not to selfimpose thereby making it a ray as for some it is boon and to some a disgrace.
Yet we rely upon HIM only to make us steadfast and not one who procastinate and be aware that HE IS WATCHFULL OF ALL WE DO but still having TAQWA that is his fear of not disobeying him.
And then find a smile on my face when someone said to be happy and to think of those that makes you happy.