

A Prayer!
Bold strokes of a confident hand,
The painting is a masterpiece,
Executed as planned...
By the Lord Himself
He first created life in Water
And then in the land too
What a variety of life He created!
Such innumerable species of living beings
Fishes and sharks and whales
Turtles, lizards, snakes and dinosaurs
Oh! the birds with their pretty plumes!
How colorful the flowers do look
Swaying gently in the morning breeze
And the shrubs and herbs and trees
Each with its own medicinal property!
And the huge waterbodies and icebergs too
The Sun, the Moon, stars, planets and galaxies were His creations too!
The mammoth elephants, those mighty lions and swift tigers
Cats, dogs, deer, sheep and naughty monkeys too
How can we forget the majestic mountains!
Each creation of His, is filled with beauty and splendour!
The same hand that created all this, created the humans too!
Oh Lord! What a tiny speck am I in this wonderful world of yours!
Yet, in Spirit I am one with all your creations!
The Sun, The Moon and the galaxies
The vast oceans and the tall mountains
The breeze that gently kisses the trees
The dew that rests at the tip of a leaf
The flowers, the birds, the animals
Our dear Earth and the Sky that protects us all!
A tiny speck I maybe but have a role to play in Your scheme of things
Bless me my dear Lord that I realize the role you've sketched for me
Keep me close so I know no fear
I surrender to Thee, our Benevolent Father!
Bless me that every moment of my life becomes meaningful!