

Poet from a Georgian village with a Caucasian voice!

George ( გიორგი ზუბიტაშვილი ) is a seemingly insignificant 19-year-old boy, but his creations have been recognized by many. He has been writing in many genres for years, but poetry still plays the biggest role in his life. As he himself says writing has so much bloodshed, it is impossible to imagine oneself without a pen. It was his experience and modest success that he spoke to us about.

First of all, can you briefly talk about yourself, who you are and what you do today?

I am Giorgi Zubitashvili, as they say, a poet. They start from birth and I will start from birth. There have been two births in my life, one of a person’s second - a poet. The first birth took place on December 12, 2001 In Kvareli, the second in Chelti's swamp, Shilda…

As far as I know you are passionate about writing, in which genre do you work?

I have been friends with the pen since deep childhood and we are still inseparable friends. When it comes to pen, the word "work" sounds a bit harsh, so I say whatever my heart tells me to write, be it prose or poetry, verlibri or verblan.

What role does poetry play in your life?

My whole life is poetry - the air, the water that nourishes people and that makes me human. If not for the poem, perhaps Giorgi and the world would be different. Such as a flowering peach tree.
If today's generation is interested in this genre of literature and you could not distinguish the works of any modern poet?

Literature, and especially poetry, has always been relevant in Georgia, which is not surprising in the country of the "Vephkhistkaosani", so even the postmodernist era could not lack anything in Georgian creativity. The involvement of the new generation is great, but I will single out Temur Eliava and Giorgi Arabuli.
What problems do you face in society as a teenager and which ones bother you the most?

It would be better to have a generous and educated society that does not judge others and learns from its own mistakes.

As I have learned you are a student, what impact has the pandemic had on your learning and daily routine in general?

I am currently studying at the Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University at the Faculty of Georgian Philology. The pandemic, of course, affects the physical or spiritual world of all people, the separation from loved ones, friends, without knowing when you will see them. The winter period is especially unbearable, but when a pandemic is added to it, the person becomes mentally distressed. As for the routine of life, it still continues in the old way with poetry and poetry!
What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?

The fact that I fell in love with poetry by certain people and no one is happy at the moment when they tell me - my George, you have shown me poetry differently.
Have you received any suggestions or messages from the person (s) reading your poems?

I often get love from my readers and see their lit eyes when I meet them on the street, in the square, there are a lot of business offers, mostly translation, printing, singing or a monetary gift, which puts you in a bit of an awkward position, but I give the gift again. That’s why I'm happy when I feel like I'm remembering someone.

What is success and how do we achieve it?

Success is the love of your work, if a person loves his own business and most importantly hard work, success is guaranteed, although there is a great danger of temptation on the way to it, success should not make a man proud.

Towards the end can you share your own poem that you especially love?

Mariam, I would like to thank you for your interest in my creativity, and I also wish you success in your work. There will be many obstacles but remember, "this too will pass". As for a favorite poem - be this time a favorite poem.

I still don’t know who I am in reality,
maybe I am the sea, fulfilled with pains!
Maybe I am Heaven, or I am earth,
I am the universe! Who can know it?

Perhaps I am a drop, the drop of rain,
Or I am a tear from mothers’ eyes,
God does what He wills for me,
I’m a grain crumb, a speck of laughter.

I am a shepherd, a passer-by,
worn out, exhausted with verses’ path,
I am a bridge to cross, override,
with gossiping and jinking jesters.

I’m not a human; I don’t fill it,
I am as if a sharp leaved thistle,
I’m one man of this transient world,
Sometimes I live, sometimes I’m lost.

jurnalist: Mariam Tsitsriashvili