

They say u can hear me. So u must hear my screaming for help, my crying of all the pain I hold inside. They say you watch over us. So you must see the tears that roll done my skin from the thoughts of everyone?, you must see that I starve myself js to be pretty. Why God? Why make me struggle, why all this pain? I follow your lead, I believe. I spread your word. And yet, am I js being Naive. I stopped praying... I stopped going to church... I stopped it all, but I faked it for everyone else. You see me when I struggle, u see me when I'm happy. Yet, when am I ever happy with the struggles you provide me that r "supposed " to be challenges. I'm giving up, I can't hold on, I can't fight for u. I'm already gone god.....I'm sorry I wasn't the child I was supposed to be. I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to follow you, ik I'm not worthy, bc if I was, I would truly believe...

© Tasha