

Striving for justice
Dear writers,
Yes the world is beautiful,
The nature's stunning and shining,
This thoughts in our minds are always wining

Let it be so good and pleasant.
Yet talk about the bitterness too;
Not of the nature,
Of those who make the nature bitter,
Those who play with innocent,
Those who enslave any creature.
Instead of being only delightful, be thoughtful.

Someone this second is suffering for life
Shivering and crying, shouting to thrive.
Be happy, we've all got beautiful lives
Not to hide the bitter truth
And describe the fake in a way pretty.
We've got them to save the lives
Whose breathes are taken like the pebbles
Bashed down by the river in a way pity.

They're striving to get back their life broken into piece;
They survived for our wellness, not haste.
Now if we don't strive for their justice
Then our survival is a waste...

© Eclogue paradise