


The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
The beeping from the sound from the traffic lights,
Confusion in the heart of man,
And misconception of what really was.

The disease gripped us by my necks,
Shut down businesses in despair,
And people finally saw the cruelty of it all.

In homes where food wasn't enough to get by, elders started to panic for their kids,
Begging one, or two, even three neighbors to survive, pride was no longer a choice,
Everyone just wanted to see the next day.

Some lost lovers, others sparked old flames into being, reliving memories that only belonged to dreams.

Wearing masks became the new fashion,
Pink, black, purple, you name your color,
It would even match your outfit for the day.

Sanitizers became our new best friend,
Who knew we would become neat freaks,
Cleaning one too many times a day, wiping here and there so death couldn't cut your breathing, stop you from tasting food,
Leaving you coughing for days, and making you lose your appetite in a blink of an eye.

Days became weeks, weeks into months, and into years, our new perfect normal.
By the time vaccines came, we felt like conquers who fought the disease that silenced the cries of others, the disease that left death in its wake, young or old, dark or fair, tall or short, covid took it all and made statistics on end.

But still, we stood and fought, and one day, it wasn't as bad. Then, our masks became irrelevant, and that day is today. Where we can smile for a second, and appreciate the importance of life.

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