

A Beautiful escape ...
a gentle torrent of water from rocks
& the clouds surrounding the sky ;
the trees , the rocks , the plants ,
& the little creatures ;
scent of summer, whispers of nature ,
& the peaceful terrain ...

I was lost in creation of beauty ,
& soothness captured my mind ;
I ran away to escape from hell ,
& ended up here , Now I wanna stay ...

A meaningless small hope changed my mind,
& the heaven i was admiring felt like home ;
I wanna stay here for eternity,
& being in arms of nature ;
A successful escape at this beautiful land ,
& a heaven like home for being loved and accepted ...

'& listening to whispers of nature for ever ...'

' I wished I could do that for real ... '
' I wish I could really escape not only through my diary ....'

@Writco @AtulPurohit @laini8580 @Hidden_Writer2 @Seri @Vijay568
@Mangro9073 @Garry6653 @Aamra.G.khan

#poem #nature

© sneha