

Adam and Eve
There’s a devil in my head
telling me to eat that forbidden fruit
that I’m not supposed to have
not supposed to even think of

but there it is
so tantalizing
so close
but I know it’s wrong
deep down I do
but the need to bite it
to swallow that forbidden fruit
overcomes my rational

but in the nick of time
you saw me reaching for that fruit
because your not Adam
and I’m not Eve
your you
and I’m me
and you saw me struggling
saw the fight I was fighting
saw me
and grabbed me by the wrist
threw down the fruit
and chopped the tree

this happened because
your not Adam
and I am somehow not Eve
you broke the curse
that was sure to consume every one of us
and I broke it too
we broke it
and in doing so you put me back together
piece by piece

© AllisonKC07