

My Best Friend, My Confidant, My Forever King 👑❤️
Let's read a poem for my
Guy bestie
Shall we

Within life's winding journey, where
💗Path twist And turn,💗
A friendship like yours is a lesson to learn,
My King, not by blood, but my
💗Heart's own Decree,💗
Your loyalty shines, a beacon for me,
We've shared whisperer secrets, and
💗 Laughter's Delight💗,
Faced challenges daunting, beneath the
💗Pale, moonlight,💗
Shoulders for tears, and hands strong to hold,
Your unwavering presence, more precious
💗Than Gold,💗
Your wisdom, a compass when shadows descend,
Guiding me onwards, a
💗Loyalest friend,💗
You challenge my spirit and fan my own flame,
With you by my side, victory's my name,
For in every triumph, a silent cheer rings,
💗The echo of laughter, 💗
💗The joy that it brings,💗
And moments of sorrow, find solace in you,
A comforting presence, forever anew,
Years may fly by, like leaves on the breeze,
But our Friendship's a fortress, a
💗Place where I'm Free,💗
Through thick and thin,
our bond will remain,
💗A fabric woven,💗
Adorned with your name,
A friendship like ours,
💗A treasure to hide,💗
Thankful for you, for all that you bring,
My best friend, my confidant,
My forever king,
Thank you always for being
The best brother
for me, and loving me the best
you're my bestie forever

And for others I love you
So much as well
We are all family here, joining
Hands together
Thank you so much for reading
Lots of love from
Lunar Queen